Psalm 37 verse 1 reads "Do not fret because of those who are evil ..." and exhorts the hearer to trust God even as threat and wickedness swirl around in ever greater measure.
Such words are poignant for our times, as the phenomena some theologians are calling 'The Great Unravelling' plays out at different levels. Many of our established Western churches find themselves facing difficulties, even closure, because their congregation numbers (and cash income) continue to fall away - the existing ways of being church no longer working for them. Also at the international political level we are now living into an unravelling of a world order that we assumed secure from the outcomes of the 2nd World War. We now have Western nations openly advocating policies of mass ethnic cleansing (rather than just quietly funding oppressive actions away from the public gaze) and apparently gearing their responses in ways that align with indicted war criminals of foreign oppressive regimes.As followers of Christ, we have to re-ask ourselves "Where do we find our security? In whom do we put our trust?". In the past we might have doctrinally declared trust in God through Jesus Christ, yet in practice trusted in our Western nation national and international structures. That must now change! Clearly nations of whatever status cannot be trusted ... the only entity truly trust-worthy is God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
The Great Unravelling may make you feel quite alone and highly vulnerable. You may well be asking yourself 'Can I make a difference?'. Remember Jesus talked of His Kingdom - a different kind of Kingdom, one unlike any earthly nation state, regime or empire. He described it as the mustard seed, the tiniest of seeds ... that planted in the ground and grew ... continuing to grow ... eventually into a very large bush (or tree) which provided a place of shelter for birds etc. to come under its shade.
There is our clue! "Lord Jesus start with me - may I be firmly planted as your Kingdom agent". Yes the world is literally falling apart all around us, be it established churches, governments, nations and whole international systems ...
But the Kingdom of God will prevail, so do not fret in the midst of all the evil!